Student Stories: Rebuilding Mia
This is an excerpt from a Full Circle student in a story series we call “Rebuilding.”
I am a 61-year-old divorced mother who works full-time in a demanding non-profit environment. I have three kids, two of whom have autism and one of whom has emotional challenges as a result of living in an orphanage early in her life.
When I first considered the possibility of joining the Full Circle group, I came up with every possible reason to believe and argue that it was simply “impossible”.
- I was about to lose my job and “have no money”
- I had two special needs young adults at home who “needed” me every — or at least most — evenings
- I couldn’t possibly join the morning group and wake up at 5:00 AM five days a week
- I had had major back surgery only 8 weeks before and I wouldn’t be “ready” physically
- I had “tried everything” Full Circle had to offer on my own (detoxes, diets, Bikram yoga, meditation), so how would this be any different and (circling back to reason #1) why should I pay to do things I already had done and knew about.
Well… I am SO, SO, SO thankful that the Full Circle coaches patiently offered gentle counter-arguments to my excuses. I ultimately signed up for the program: 6 session per week, 9 weeks long.
I know this is an overused expression, but the group is literally saving my life.
Almost immediately, I began to feel more alive, hopeful, healthy, and energetic — more athletic, slimmer, younger, and more pain-free.
Oh yeah, and I feel happy like I probably never have before.
In order of the excuses listed above… here’s the real deal!
Forget about it! Nothing is worth anything in this life if you don’t have your health, your peace of mind, and your happiness. This program is CHEAP compared to the eventual cost if I hadn’t taken the plunge.
Full Circle is meticulously structured and creatively inspired. I have dreamed of going to expensive spas to reset myself by de-stressing, losing weight, and getting healthy and healed. I have never had the time or money for that, and it turns out I’m getting it all and way more by doing Full Circle — yet still being able to engage fully in my day-to-day life.
Plus, when you look at the incredible staff, ongoing support, and terrific programming, it’s worth every penny.
Not only have I now learned that I do — and must — make time for myself, but I also need to put my own well-being on the top of my priority list.
My son and his partner (both with special needs) have been fine without me since Full Circle started, and we still manage to eat dinner together each night when I get home.
I now realize that my kids are able to do what they need to do, and I need that opportunity, as well, if I am to have the life I want.
OK, so I still hate early mornings — so I chose to do the evening class of Full Circle. But the great thing is that the program is flexible and I can take the morning class when I have something important at night, and I’ve done so and survived and thrived!
Some people love the morning class and it is so great that we have that choice.
Yes, I am recovering for major surgery and I have a painful left knee. But Full Circle is helping me heal and push myself to heal every day on every level — mental, physical, and spiritual.
Honestly, before I started Full Circle, I was so sore, stressed, and tired that I felt like an old woman and that the vibrant part of my life was over. I had no idea how to break out of the rut.
Through this program — and the totality of its approaches — I feel great. And the amazing thing is: I felt great almost right away, and it just gets better every day!
Yes, I had tried some of the approaches — but not with a group of fabulous, supportive people helped by incredible coaches, not always in the correct way (I am finally losing weight successfully and with pleasure), and not by combining physical activity, yoga, breathing, meditation, and boxing.
Yeah, boxing! So much fun and such a great complement to everything that makes this program so brilliant, effective, and fun.
I have never had anyone really take care of me in my life. I take care of my kids. I took care of my parents for decades. I take care of my staff at work.
I never realized how much I needed to take care of myself. Full Circle has been a gift to me, and I am so excited about my life unfolding with my newfound health, energy, attitude, and sparkle. Thank you!!